Monday, May 18, 2020
The Character of Claudio in William Shakespeares Much Ado...
The Character of Claudio in William Shakespeares Much Ado About Nothing Much Ado about Nothing is not unlike other Shakespearean comedies. These stories usually deal with the main idea of young people who are in love with each other. They encounter difficulties which they have to deal with so that they can both live together, happily ever after. In Much Ado about Nothing, Claudio and Hero are the young characters in the play, who along with other characters struggle through their difficulties to make their lives better. Claudio, the main figure in Much Ado about Nothing is more of a romantic hero in the play. He, like other heroes in Shakespearian comedies, has a fault in his character. This†¦show more content†¦Also the mention of young by Don John further emphasises Claudios youth. In short, he has been described by critics as an adolescent with an adolescents contradictory strong points and weak points for instance, naivety, innocence, inconsiderateness, inexperience, over-reaction, egotism, uncertainty, impulsiveness, idealism and even mo re. Claudios impulsiveness and idealism comes to light immediately on his arrival on stage, his first words were didst thou note the daughter of Signor Leonato? This sentence shows us that he falls for Hero at first sight. Indeed, love at first sight is very idealistic and naÃÆ' ¯ve view of falling in love as opposed to mature people who want to court and get to know each other better before they get married. Claudio then seeks Benedicks judgment on his idealistic view on Hero but then fails to see the value of Benedicks critical answers. He conveniently ignores Benedicks not-so-subtle warning about moving too fast into a relationship. This just goes to show that he was a some what ignorant. He also said in Act1 Scene1that he would scarcely trust himself to become Heros husband, though he had sworn the contrary, if Hero would be my wife. He is unsure of himself and his love for Hero, He is also seems the kind of boy who could swear his word and come back on it. As the play unfolds, Claudio declares his love for Hero to BenedickShow MoreRelated Much Ado About Nothing Essay: The Character of Don John1112 Words  | 5 PagesThe Character of Don John in Much Ado About Nothing    William Shakespeares Much Ado About Nothing is a comedy in which he uses one of his more peculiar villains. The antagonist in this play is Don John, the bastard brother of Don Pedro. In this paper I will discuss the role of Don John as well as his motives and the character himself. I will also delve into Shakespeares use of Don John as the antagonist. 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