Saturday, May 23, 2020
Should Street Gangs Be Considered Terrorist Organizations
Should Street Gangs be Considered Terrorist Organizations? Terror, violence, and death are the common denominators in our society nowadays. Why? Because of street gang fights. Innocent people have been killed as a result of street gangs. These groups of criminals use violence against societies and band together for mutual protection and profit. Street gangs are gangsters controlling, attacking, and killing people on the streets, as a result, they are one of the biggest social problems around the world. According to the definition of terrorism in, it is the unlawful use or threatened use of force or violence by a person or an organized group against people or property with the intention of intimidating or coercing societies.†¦show more content†¦Something similar is happening with terrorism in Peru because the MRTA (terrorist group) destroys communities around the country. Unfortunately, Peru faces two types of violence: street gangs and terrorism, but both of them with the same criminal purpose: to terrorize and create violence among Peruvian citizens. The third reason to consider street gangs as terrorist organizations is because gangs minimize the quality of life of any country. Two important characteristics define quality of life: psychical and psychological. An example of diminishing of these aspects is the country of Guatemala. For the past 10 years, street gangs in Guatemala have been on the rise. According to Power Blogger, the street gangs have power of corruption over the police forces and the government, paying them large amounts of money to be permitted to do whatever they want. The blog also states that this type of political corruption is what keeps Guatemala moving on economically. Some people believe there are corrupted police members who ask them for money instead of putting them in jail. The reality is that if no one can stop the corruption, they might end up governing the country soon. For example in Guatemala schools, little kids learn how to cheat, they don’t want to study anymore, and they prefer to cheat copying their tests or paying someone to do so. The Ministry of Governance estimates that there are currently 175,000 street gang membersShow MoreRelatedEssay on Domestic Terrorism1651 Words  | 7 PagesDomestic Terrorism National terrorism has been the focus of attention since September 11. But now domestic terrorism is becoming increasingly common among hate groups across the nation. Domestic terrorism can be defined as visible crime, or â€Å"street crime.†These acts would consist of violent crimes, (acts against people in which injury or death results) property crimes (acts that threaten property held by individuals or the state) and public order crimes. (acts that threaten the general well-beingRead MoreAnalysis1214 Words  | 5 Pagesto its current condition. Many of those events occurred in the past two decades and involved subsidized oil sales and deals with the Columbian terrorist cartel, Revolutionary Armed Forces of Columbia (FARC). More recently, a series of protests and demonstrations began in 2014 as a result of food shortages due to extremely high inflation and increased gang violence. In December 2013, current Venezuelan President Nicolas Medrano reported that Venezuelaâ €™s annual inflation rate was 56.2% (Reuters, 2013)Read MoreLos Zetas: Mexicos Second Most Powerful Drug Cartel Essay example1682 Words  | 7 Pagesmost fearless and violent cartels in all of Mexico, Los Zetas was brought forth by a need for personal security in the Gulf Cartel. This former hit man/security style operation, active since 1997, has since grown into its own ruthless and violent organization becoming the second most powerful cartel and easily the most feared in all of Mexico. 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Even though most of these foreigners arrive the United States for financial chances and family reunification, or they are avoiding civil trouble and political unrest, some are offenders, and some could possibly be terrorists. Every one of them is disrupting the United States immigration laws. With that said,Read MoreThe War on Drugs and Its Impact on Latin America Essay examples1684 Words  | 7 PagesDrugs†. It’s much easier to get multinational support for â€Å"The War on ____†. We did it with â€Å"The War on Terror†, â€Å"The War on Gangs†, â€Å"The War on Poverty††¦ and the list goes on and on. Throughout all of these, we forget one key thing; no ne of these â€Å"wars†can be won, we can stop most gang violence, but will never get to a point where it doesn’t exist, we can stop 99% of terrorist plots, but some get through. It isn’t possible to pinpoint a day when the â€Å"War on Drugs†will be over, because it never willRead MoreSocial Media And The Law Enforcement3632 Words  | 15 PagesThanks to the current increase of new technology that has helped to shape our societies in different ways. However, with the current increase of online crimes, emerging of radical groups and gang related groups have posed a major and critical balance between public safety and concerns of privacy. But with proper procedures and neutral grounds between the law enforcement and the public, can help to control the situation without any party feel being cheated. Read MoreWar on Terror: The Rise of the US PATRIOT Act Essay example2525 Words  | 11 PagesThe Rising of the US PATRIOT Act†America, once considered the land of the free and the home of the brave. That was until, September 11, 2001 when terrorist succeeded with a planned attack on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon. That day â€Å"the United States government announced its intentions to begin a War on Terrorism (or War on Terror), a protracted struggle against terrorists and states that aid terrorists†(WAR ON TERROR). I think the terrorist attack that took place that day demanded for aRead MoreLos Zetas3766 Words  | 16 PagesIn response to the Los Zeta’s savagery the Sinaloa Cartel hired another armed enforcer gang, Los Negros, to fight back. Los Negros have also turned their back and become independent are gaining more control of regions. As with other terrorist organizations, such as al Qaeda, there are roots to the source of the evil. According to Brookes (2005), it is important to understand the many reasons for the terrorist phenomenon includes radical religious ideology, poor governance, a lack of economic opportunityRead MoreTop Nuclear Security Challenge Facing The World1372 Words  | 6 Pagestwo-thousands metric tons of high unreached uranium are spread around the world in militaries facilities. Securing those facilities is step number one for a world free of nuclear weapons. Also, Terror group threats should be taken into account for a safer world. The proliferation of nuclear weapons considered a threat to the globe. However, huge steps were taken by the international committee to eliminate nuclear weapons. Finally, high enriched uranium could be replaced to nuclear fuel that generating clean energy
Monday, May 18, 2020
The Character of Claudio in William Shakespeares Much Ado...
The Character of Claudio in William Shakespeares Much Ado About Nothing Much Ado about Nothing is not unlike other Shakespearean comedies. These stories usually deal with the main idea of young people who are in love with each other. They encounter difficulties which they have to deal with so that they can both live together, happily ever after. In Much Ado about Nothing, Claudio and Hero are the young characters in the play, who along with other characters struggle through their difficulties to make their lives better. Claudio, the main figure in Much Ado about Nothing is more of a romantic hero in the play. He, like other heroes in Shakespearian comedies, has a fault in his character. This†¦show more content†¦Also the mention of young by Don John further emphasises Claudios youth. In short, he has been described by critics as an adolescent with an adolescents contradictory strong points and weak points for instance, naivety, innocence, inconsiderateness, inexperience, over-reaction, egotism, uncertainty, impulsiveness, idealism and even mo re. Claudios impulsiveness and idealism comes to light immediately on his arrival on stage, his first words were didst thou note the daughter of Signor Leonato? This sentence shows us that he falls for Hero at first sight. Indeed, love at first sight is very idealistic and naÃÆ' ¯ve view of falling in love as opposed to mature people who want to court and get to know each other better before they get married. Claudio then seeks Benedicks judgment on his idealistic view on Hero but then fails to see the value of Benedicks critical answers. He conveniently ignores Benedicks not-so-subtle warning about moving too fast into a relationship. This just goes to show that he was a some what ignorant. He also said in Act1 Scene1that he would scarcely trust himself to become Heros husband, though he had sworn the contrary, if Hero would be my wife. He is unsure of himself and his love for Hero, He is also seems the kind of boy who could swear his word and come back on it. As the play unfolds, Claudio declares his love for Hero to BenedickShow MoreRelated Much Ado About Nothing Essay: The Character of Don John1112 Words  | 5 PagesThe Character of Don John in Much Ado About Nothing    William Shakespeares Much Ado About Nothing is a comedy in which he uses one of his more peculiar villains. The antagonist in this play is Don John, the bastard brother of Don Pedro. In this paper I will discuss the role of Don John as well as his motives and the character himself. I will also delve into Shakespeares use of Don John as the antagonist. I will be comparing Don John to other characters in the play as well as to otherRead MorePlot Development in Shakespeares Plays Essay505 Words  | 3 PagesShakespeares plays can be very much alike, but can also be very different when it comes to the plot. In many of his plays he has many of the main characters die in a tragic death at the end. In some of his plays he has them live and there is a romantic ending. In Romeo and Juliet there is a ending that has both of these scenarios. As said by Snider from J.T. Jones and Company, The Tragic and the Comic fade into each other by almost insensible gradations, and the greate st beauty of a poeticalRead MoreAn Understanding Evil in Shakespeare ´s Much Ado About Nothing753 Words  | 4 PagesAn Understanding Evil Several of William Shakespeare’s plays focus on the presence of a characters public appearance in the eyes of spectatorship and observation, and the problems that result from misunderstandings. Although it is dark at times, Much Ado About Nothing is a comedy that exemplifies this theme. As spectatorship is an action characters engage in, it becomes a challenge to keep up with the motives and truthful appearances of identities throughout the play. Due to Claudio’s abilityRead MoreWilliam Shakespeare s Much Ado About Nothing1285 Words  | 6 PagesMuch Ado About Nothing, is a comedic play by William Shakespeare thought to have been written in 1598 and 1599, as Shakespeare was approaching the middle of his career. (Wikipedia) This timeless play is generally considered one of Shakespeare’s best comedies, because it combines a cheerful mood with an intricate series of deceptions and miscommunications. It’s known for its hilarity, honor, shame and court politics. Shakespeare depicts different kinds of loving relationships- romantic love, familyRead More Borachio in William Shakespeares Much Ado about Nothing Essay999 Words  | 4 PagesMinor characters, by simple definition, are characters who do not play a major role in a work of literature. However, every character serves a purpose. Simply because a character does not have many lines or appear in many sc enes does not mean that he does not play a major part in the development of the plot. One such character is Borachio in William Shakespeares Much Ado about Nothing. While Borachio appears in only six scenes, he is very important to the entire play. As a minor character, BorachioRead MoreA Comparison Between the Plots of King Lear and Much Ado about Nothing910 Words  | 4 Pages It is no revolutionary statement to say that William Shakespeare wrote some of the greatest plays of all time. This is accepted by everyone from high schoolers to experts as fact. But everyone is always wondering, what makes them great? Well, at the heart of every great Shakespeare play is a well written plot. But how can one man churn out all these plays he’s written, and still have new content in each one? Aren’t they all the same story to some extent? As Lindsay Smith writes, â€Å"Many ShakespeareRead MoreEssay on Compare and Contrast: Claudio and Benedick1375 Words  | 6 PagesFairbairn Shakespeare: Then and Now Compare and Contrast: Claudio and Benedick Shakespeare’s comedy, Much Ado About Nothing, is a play that follows a small group of friends from a high-class society in Massina. Two of this group are friends are Claudio and Benedick. In the beginning of the play they are seemingly similar, in that they both are of an upper-class upbringing and do their best to maintain their social reputation. The characters are made as to enhance their differences by the end of theRead MoreWilliam Shakespeare s Much Ado About Nothing And Hamlet1503 Words  | 7 Pagesthe definition of the character by means of their thoughts, well-being, actions, and interactions with the other set roles. William Shakespeare’s plays included dissimilar characters and different methods of characterization. The two plays that will be compared and contrasted are William Shakespeare’s Much Ado About Nothing and Hamlet. As for the characters from each play, Beatrice, Benedict, Don John, Don Pedro, Claudio, and Hero will be assessed from Much Ado About Nothing and from Hamlet, HamletRead MoreThe Role of Love in Much Ado About Nothing by William Shakespeare685 Words  | 3 PagesThe Role of Love in Much Ado About Nothing by William Shakespeare The role of romantic love plays a central part in the plot of Shakespeares Much Ado About Nothing. The way in which each character embraces the emotion shows a great deal about who they are, as well as the time in which they lived. Love, as defined by Shakespeares characters, differs greatly from my own definition. However, the changeable nature of the emotion itself is what allows Claudio, Hero, Bene*censored*, and Beatrice toRead MoreEssay on Inconstancy in Shakespeares Much Ado About Nothing 1099 Words  | 5 PagesInconstancy in Shakespeare’s Much Ado About Nothing The Oxford English Dictionary (OED) explains inconstancy as the recurrent and generally unexpected or impulsive change from one condition to another. It is the state or quality of being inconstant and unfaithful by virtue of being undependable or deceitful. Set in Messina, Sicily, Shakespeare’s Much Ado About Nothing is a very popular play generally viewed as one of his happiest comedies and is often performed in theatres. However, the playfulness
Monday, May 11, 2020
I Don t Agree With Lukianoff And Haidt s Position On...
I don t agree with Lukianoff and Haidt s position on student-driven movements arising on campuses, for a few reasons. In my current collegiate experience, there doesn t seem to be a movement trying to get rid of the offensive material. In fact, the offensive material around campus seems to travel rampantly. For example, I can hear many obscenities being shouted in the halls on a consistent basis. I would describe vindictive protectiveness in a campus context as an unconscious impulse to chastise anyone who would create an environment that arouses tension in another individual by their actions or words. I have not witnessed this type of behavior from other students or from campus groups within the college. In fact, I think this type of behavior is very rarely seen. My thoughts are that speech censorship has an impact on students depression and anxiety. Anxiety already causes fear and nervousness, so if people are expected to watch what they say, there s no doubting that it will exacerbate it even more. Additionally, depression and anxiety are two mental illnesses that enjoy each other s company, forming a crippling combo. When students are not able to express themselves without fear of vindictive protectiveness, issues are sure to arise. When the authors refer to free-range childhood, they most likely mean the time when baby boomers and Gen Xers remember riding their bicycles around their hometown, unchaperoned by adults. I agree with their conclusion that
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Family Tradition and Theories - 4437 Words
Family Tradition and Theories Author’s Name Institution Family Tradition and Theories My family lives in the middle East and it consists of my grandfather Mansour, grandmother Fahiama, my father Amer, my mother Nada, my 17 years old sister Mariyah, my 23 years old brother Abdullah, my aunt, uncle and I. Our family tradition is taking breakfast together every Friday. Every member of the family ought to be present at the breakfast table no matter the time he or she slept last night. Even if one member of the family is mad at the other, he or she must be present at the table at 10 a.m. and none is supposed to leave the table until all the family members are through with their breakfast and said our prayers. This is†¦show more content†¦Inside of the limits of the framework, patterns grow as the conduct of a certain member of the family’s causes, or caused by, other members behaviors in predictable manner. Keeping up the same pattern of practices within the system may prompt to adjust in the family framework, and dysfunction ( Bornstein, 2006). There are eight concepts in Family Systems Theory and they include; differentiation of self, which is the difference in individuals in their vulnerability to rely upon others for acknowledgement and endorsement., triangles, which is the smallest stable relationship framework and nuclear family emotional process, which consists of the four relationship designs that characterize where issues may grow in a family such as marital conflict, emotional distance, spouse’s dysfunction and impairment in the children. Family protection process is the transmission of emotional issues from the parent to a child and cutoff is the act of decreasing or cutting off emotional contact with family as a way of overseeing uncertain emotional issues. Multigenerational transmission process is the transmission of little contrasts in the levels of differentiation between children and parents. The other concepts are sibling position, which is the effect of kin position on advancement and behavior and societal emotional process, which is the emotional framework that administersShow MoreRelatedMannheim Theory Of Generation Essay998 Words  | 4 PagesKarl Mannheims theory of generations is that throughout history each generation develop their own particular life courses such as the baby boomer generation,generation X and Generation Y. Mannheim believed that each generation reflects the cultural, social and economic events which occurred in that period of time. He believes that the adolescents stage is the main force behind these changes with the greatest influence on the course of a persons life. 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Management Is an Integral Part of the Work of Everyone Free Essays
Human resource management is an integral part of the work of everyone in a managerial post and therefore line managers are the key drivers of Human Resource Management practices and systems BMAM702: HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT Executive Summary HRM may have many good thing to offer and line manager and perform many of it’s duties. Some line manager thing they are doing lot of HR duties and they are don’t mind doing it. However, other agrees that they don’t have enough knowledge and experience to carry put some of the action. We will write a custom essay sample on Management Is an Integral Part of the Work of Everyone or any similar topic only for you Order Now Also they see these actions as waste of their time. Table of Content Introduction1 Who is line manager? 1 The role of line managers in implementing HR processes2 Relationship between HR and the line2 Devolving responsibility down the line2 Impact of line manager behaviour3 Managing line managers4 Recommendation:5 Conclusion5 Reference5 Introduction This report will look at the how HRM can be incorporated to HRM. The involvement of line manager in HRM has been noted in literature from early 80’s. this report will try to show the role of line manager in implementing the role of HR and possible obstacle they may face due to this. Who is line manager? Front Line manager usually promoted from normal employees. As a result, they are experienced and know the general employee well, while they may not have any formal management education. CIPD have given a typical role of a front line manager, which may include the followings: * Day-to-day people management * Managing operational costs * Providing technical expertise * Organisation of work allocation and rotas * Monitoring work processes * Checking quality * Dealing with customers/clients Measuring operational performance. Increasingly, line managers are taking new responsibilities such as undertake performance appraisals, handle disciplinary activity also provide coaching and guidance. Moreover, in many companies line manager carry out responsibility such as recruitment and selection along side with HR. To answer the question why line managers are important? Sisson (1994, pp. 7-8) have given four principles of HRM, which includes beliefs and assumptions, manageria l role, organisation design and personal policy. Sisson also defines the role of top-manager, where it was stated that top-managers should establish organisation’s mission and values, and shearing their future vision and success with other employee and provide transformational leadership. Where as when describing the role of middle manager Sisson states that they should be able to â€Å"inspire, encourage, enable and facilitate change by harnessing commitment and co-operation of (the organization’s) employees; they also see the development of employees as a primary role†(Sisson, 1994, p. 8). Hence, it can be said that Sisson trying to say every layers of management has important part to play in implementing the HRM approach in an organisation. The role of line managers in implementing HR processes Relationship between HR and the line Research has shown front line managers play more central role in implementing people management policies, because they have influence in employee’s attitude and behaviours. Which, in turn affects the performance of an organisation (Hutchinson and Purcell, 2003). Although line manager have some input in this area but many HR directors have shown concern about the ffectiveness of line manager in implementing people management policies (Hutchinso, 2008). When a line manager was asked about their role â€Å"one manager interviewed remarked ‘you are the piggy in the middle’ – on the one hand expected to be the voice of management and yet on the other the champion of the team’s interests†(Hutchinso, 2008). Storey (1992) have made the role of line manager clear and cleared the idea that HRM is not another alternative title for Personal Management; rather it is very unique approach. Storey has identified 3 elements that connects HRM and line manager. The first element is to agree that HR of a company is the ones that â€Å"make the differences†. Connected to the first, the second element is as a result HR needs to be managed in a strategic way. Therefore, Storey states â€Å"people-management decisions ought not to be treated as incidental operational matters or be sidelined into the hands of personnel officers†(Storey, 1992: p. 26). Connecting first and second element, Storey stated his third element, which requires line managers to be aware of HR and Strategic direction of an organisation as stated by top-level managers. Thus, the management of people have to be done accordingly by the line managers. Devolving responsibility down the line In late 80’s and early 90’s the use of the term human resource management (HRM) gave rise to pool of literature to be written in order to establish the definition and differences of HRM compare to Personal Management (PM). Among many others Armstrong (1987) was saying â€Å"The game was changing and it was useful to have a new name and a new language to encapsulate what was taking place in the world of work. Even though, there were lot of disagreement about HRM and PM, however many have agreed that the new proposed HRM system increased the role of line manager. Hence, numerous articles and reports have been written on the involvement of Line manager in HRM. Currie and Procter (2001) presented in their report that, recently line manager is playing more central role to HRM because of the fact that some HR works is ‘devolved’ to the line man ager. The researches carried out by CIPD have shown that, there are positive feelings amongst the employee when the line manages plays significant role in implementing some of the HR policies themselves. As a result, employees have higher level of commitment and satisfaction in their job, which gives higher performance. Cunningham et. el (1999) have stated that devolution of responsibility between line manager and HR consultants, enables release of HR professional â€Å"from the burdensome toil of conducting routine techniques†. As a result they can focus more on strategic business decision (Whittaker, and Marchington, 2003). Impact of line manager behaviour Line managers have significant effects on employees. Their behaviour and practice will affect the level and focus of employee commitment. The goal of HRM is to achieve employees’ commitment to the organization, with the aim of making these employees â€Å"more satisfied, more productive and more adaptable†(Guest, 1987, p. 513). That is only possible with having a strong line manager who can recognise, and appreciate the work of employees. Research shown that generally line managers are relatively happy in completing some HR work, one of the managers said, â€Å"If there wasn’t any personnel [function] I’d need to do personnel work anyway, because it’s my job (Power Business, Utility Co. †. However, same time they agree that they are on their own inadequacies in HRM. Another manager have made remark such as: â€Å"Look at sickness absence, there are those line managers that will do that without being reminded, there are those that will do that because they care, and there are line managers that just will not do it unless they are actually pushed into doing it. I think the more HR that we push down to the line managers, the more uncontrolled it will become (Generation Business, Utility Co. )†(Renwick, 2003). Renwick (2003) have done extensive research on line manager involvement in HRM, and listed many positive and negative of HRM perctices withing line managers. Some of these are listed below (1) Positives: * The line are taking on responsibility and accountability in HR work. * Flexibility is forthcoming from the line to do HR work. * The line are keen to take part on doing HR work. * The line are managing large numbers of employees. * The line take a professional and serious attitude to doing HR work. * Line managers are relatively happy doing some HR work. The line are considerate of employee needs and wishes. * The line see HR as positive helpers in HR work. * The line see career bene? ts for them in doing HR work. (2) Negatives: * The line have many duties, and lack time to do HR work well. * The line do not see themselves as experts in HRM. * Doing HR work dilutes the line’s generalist managerial focus. * Signi? cant line inadequacies in handling HR work. * Tensions between line and HR over transfer and completion of HR duties. * The line need to re? ect and be critical of their performance in HR work. The line are reliant on HR to do HR work properly. * Differing line commitment and discipline levels to doing HRM. * The line have responsibility and accountability in HRM, but little authority. * Little appreciation of line ? exibility in doing HR tasks from ? rms. After the research Renwick summarised it with saying line managers â€Å"acknowledge that they shared the completion of HR work with HR. †However, although line are doing well in some HRM practices, but still they lucks the expertise, knowledge and experience to carry out full HRM duties. Moreover, many aspects of HRM line dislike doing. Redman’s (2001) finding shows that some line will complete employee performance appraisal over phone call. Managing line managers To get best performance from the line manager they have to be managed in right way. The relationship line manager enjoys with from their manager will reflect on how line manager conducts themselves with others. The graph below shows how senior management felt about HRM and effect it will have on value added activities. The trends shows that the move towards strategic HRM mean that an ef? cient and professional service will be delivered within agreed time-scales with an ensured consistency of approach, (Sisson, 1994). Fig 1. The road to achieving a value-added function (Sisson, 1994). The figure and the report have show that line managers are happen to carry out some of the duties, however, they do feel long and bureaucratic process of HRM is waste of their time. Recommendation: I feel line manager should perform some HRM actions. Such as , undertaking performance appraisal. This process will enable them to learn more about the employee, hence they will be able to relate to the employee and show consideration for them. Since, line manager is the first level of contact with employee they should take the responsibility to overlook the employee‘s training and couching. Moreover, line manager should be the role model and shows how to balance work-life. Conclusion Although HRM practices show benefit to an organisation, however there are still many areas need more clarity. Although line manager understand the importance of HR work but they still require training and understanding some of the practices of HRM. Line manager have the most influence, performance and commitment of employee greatly depends on how line manager conduct themselves with employees. Reference Armstrong, M. (1987. Human resource management: a case of the emperor’s new clothes?. Personnel Management, Vol. 19 No. 8, pp. 30-5. Cunningham, I. and Hyman, J. (1999), â€Å"Devolving HR responsibilities to the line – beginning of the end or a new beginning for personnel? †, Personnel Review, Vol. 8 No. 1-2, pp. 9-27. Currie, G. and Procter, S. (2001). Exploring the relationship between HR and middle managers. Human Resource Management Journal, Vol. 11 No. 1, pp. 53-69. Hutchinson, S. (2008). The role of front line managers in bringing policies to life. Bristol Business School. Hutchinson, S. and Purcell, J. (2003). Bringing Policies to Life: The vital role of front lin e managers. London: Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development. Renwick, D, (2003) â€Å"Line manager involvement in HRM: an inside view†, Employee Relations, Vol. 25 Iss: 3, pp. 262 – 280 Richbell, S. 2001), â€Å"Trends and emerging values in human resource management: The UK scene†, International Journal of Manpower, Vol. 22 No. 3, pp. 261-8. Sisson, K. (1994), â€Å"Personnel management: paradigms, practice and prospects†, in Sisson, K. (Ed. ), Personnel Management – A Comprehensive Guide to Theory and Practice in Britain, 2nd ed. , Blackwell, Oxford. Storey, J. (1992), Development in the Management of Human Resources, Blackwell, Oxford. Whittaker, S. Marchington, M. (2003) â€Å"Devolving HR responsibility to the line: Threat, opportunity or partnership? â€Å", Employee Relations, Vol. 25 Iss: 3, pp. 245 – 261 How to cite Management Is an Integral Part of the Work of Everyone, Essay examples
Australian Labour Market
Question: Write a report to evaluate career opportunities within the current Australian labour market with a specific focus on your target industry (health care). Answer: Introduction: Nursing can be considered one of the most noble professions that provides not only financially secure future, but also provides the opportunity for the professional to have a fulfilling career with job satisfaction and the chance to save lives and provide care and support to the sick and ailing. Hence, it has to be mentioned in this context that the profession of heath care and nursing most importantly, receives a huge competition and it is very important for a graduating nurse to research the options available and the employability trends before deciding on a particular sector (Holmes 2015). Along with that it has to be mentioned as well that for different nations, the international cultural influence is also a very important factor that plays a profound role in the employment sectors. For instance, Australia is a nation with a different national culture and there is a significant impact on the labor market and employability statistics. This assignment will attempt to explore the di fferent factors associated with the labor market of the health care sectors of Australia and how the intercultural trends impact on the labor market of health care. Australian labour market trends: First and foremost, the national and state level employability trends are needed to be checked in order to begin the discussion on the labor market of the nation in the particular sectors. According to the department of employment of the Australian government, the employability of the nation is expected to entertain a hike of 7.8% in the next 5 years (Department of Jobs and Small Business 2018). The predicted rise in the total employment statistics is based entirely on the steady industrial growth that the nation has achieved in the last couple of years. Considering the recent report by the Australian government, from the year of 2015-2016, there has been a reported hike of close to 2% (225000 to 11939600). According to (2018), considering the figures from the growth rate sustained by the national employment statistics in the last ten years, this has been the most notable rise, which is expected to continue. According to the recent report it has to be mentione d that the most important factor behind the notable increase in the employability statistics is generally attributed to infrastructure enhancement and resultant industrial growth. Along with that, it has to be mentioned that for the most part, this increase can also be attributed to part time employment hike among the students and gradating individuals, although it has to be highlighted here that the marked increase in the part time employment also has had a significant impact on the total number of hours worked as well, which has only attained a decent 0.6 % hike ( 2018). According to the critical analysis, it can be mentioned that the growth in the employment sector indicates a paradigm, shift towards the scientific or technical sectors and the service based sectors as well. The youth unemployment rate however is still looming at a 13.2 % as per the data of 2016, and the unemployment rate among the youth has increased 1.2 % in the past year mostly due to part time empl oyment tenure. However, the statistical data indicates at the rising competition in the labor market, preferably in the technical, sceintifc and service based structures (Hajkowicz et al. 2016). Healthcare sectors and occupations: Coming to the health care sector, which is the sector under focus for this assignment, the employment statistics are also very poignant in the Australian demographics. It has to be mentioned in this context that there has been a significant hike in the number of people that have been employed in different sectors within the health care workforce. According to the recent statistics, the total number of people employed in the health care sector is 1663900, including the full time and part time employees. According to the (2018), the total employment in the health care sector of the Australia represents 13.4 % of the total workforce of the nation. The health care industry of the Australia has been growing tremendously and there has been a significant impact on the demand of health care services as well. With the most remote areas being included under the coverage of the health care services, the need for manpower has increased more than ever. According to the report, there has been a significant 22.1 % increase in the employment in the health care industry (Lawson 2014). Along with that, the earnings of the full time employees in this sector are $1200 without taxes on a per week basis. Hence it can be mentioned that health care industry is a growing industry in the Australian demographics, with great scope for professional growth and sustainability. The most sought after sectors in the health care industry include the posts of registered nurse, aged and disabled carers, and child carers ( 2018). Focusing on the aged sector, it is undoubtedly one of the most sought after sectors for the fresh graduates looking for an opportunity to begin their professional journey on. It has to be mentioned that the aged care service is under tremendous demand in the Australian demographics. The population of the Australia is aging considerably at a high rate nad hence with the critically ill and aging patient population rising every single day, the demand for aged care sectors is rising rapidly. Hence this is one domain that I would like to apply for when I embark on my professional journey. There are a few overlapping designations within this sector, namely the aged or disabled carer, personal care worker or personal carer. The job responsibilities are very similar in all the cases and comprises of providing personal, physical and emotional support to the older people that require assistance with the activities of daily living. A certificate II or III or at least 1 year of relevant experien ce is required to work in this sector and the remuneration details include $679.90 and $799 per week. Coming to the prospects of this health care sector, it can be mentioned that this sector is growing rapidly and in the Australian demographics there are at least close to 163700 workers employed in the aged care sector. And according to the research in the coming 5 years this sectors are going to increase up to 241200. And presently the vacancies in this aged acre sectors are closely 184000 in most parts of the Australia, with lower unemployment rates in this sector, hence it is a considerably promising option (Kryger 2015). The second sector, that is have chosen to pursue is the private health sector, which also a highly demanding service in the health care industry of not just Australia, but the entire globe. The private health care workers provide assistance, support and direct care benefits to disabled patients and critically ill patients in need for daily assistance. This health care sectors also requires a certificate II and certificate III and a year worth experience to start working for a reputed organizations. There are a few designations in this sector like nursing support worker, personal care assistant, and even therapy aide. The pay in this sector on the weekly basis is $900 approximately. The workforce strength in this sector is close to 92700 workers and is expected to increase up to 105900 in the coming five years. The vacancy statistics in these sectors has been estimated to a promising figure of 64000 openings all across Australia. Hence, it is a promising sector as well and promises co nsiderable professional growth in the near future ( 2018). Intercultural challenges: Cultural trends have a significant impact on the professional attitude and dealings as well. And along with that, the impact of the cultural values can be far more overpowering for the students that migrate to different nations for higher employability statistics and better opportunities (Wiewiora et al. 2013). I would like to mention that coming from a different cultural background the westernized culture of Australia has been a slight challenge for me o overcome in my education experience. Now exploring the employment or professional context of the Australian demographics, there is also a significant impact of the basic national culture and principles as well (Pham and Tran 2015). It has to be understood that Australia is a country that has very low power distance and a very approachable or welcoming relationship among the different designations regardless of the powers and position (Abdelkerim and Grace 2012). The professional culture in here is a more of an open door policy where the employees are expected to be confident and sure of them along with having credibility and qualifications. Coming from a more ethnic culture myself, high power distance and a little discomfort is what I have been comfortable with when it comes to professional attitudes. Hence, open culture and the go-getter extrovert attitude expected in the Australian organizational culture can act as a significant challenge for me. Approachability is also very high in the Australian professional culture and there are no certain boundaries to professional attitude (Beer et al. 2016). The work environment in this country is very relaxed and causal with people keeping a very individualistic approach to living. Hence, although the people are helpful and warm, there is a lack of collectivist approach to the lifestyle very little sense of responsibility for people outside of their close knit circles. Hence, starting out my professional journey in this country it can be a significant challenge for me as well as I come from a collectivist social culture (Kosny, Santos and Reid 2017). Apart from that a few common challenges facing the international students while working in the Australian demographics include the language barrier. For a vast variety of students that belong to the different intercultural backgrounds, acculturation with the language spoken and the accent can prove to be a significant challenge as well. Along with that, a vast variety o the Australian patients belong to the indigenous or aboriginal backgrounds (Lu et al. 2014). As I have had no prior interaction with the aboriginal culture and their understanding health, working with native patients can also be a grave change for an international student like me. Lastly, according to the research, it has to be mentioned that the racial discrimination and bullying is a very common occurrence for the international youth that come to either study or start a professional journey in Australia. Hence, for international students acceptability and bullying can be a significant challenge for the most part (Ri enties et al. 2012). Recommendation: From the extensive research that I have carried out for the study, it can be clearly stated that the employment market in the Australian demographics are charming without any doubt. Over the past years, there have been a remarkable improvement in the employability rate and statistics of this country and the increasing growth rates are expected to entertain promising rise in the near future as well. For the health care industry most preferably, there has been a myriad of different opportunities opening up for the aspirants of this field and hence Australian health acre industry undoubtedly is a highly promising professional domain without any conflict. However, for international students like myself there are a few challenges that is needed to be overcome for us to be able to attain excellent job opportunities (Tuckerman et al. 2012). According to the health care industrial reports and panel discussions, employment in this sector depends heavily upon overall credibility, confidence and cultural connections, hence the first recommendation strategy for me as an international student will be to focus on my personal image and confidence to suit the open door policy of this westernized professional culture. I would like to attend cultural safety programs and language assistance to attune myself with the dialect and cultural trends of this country. I would also like to join continuous professional development programs, especially in the cultural competence sectors so that there is maximal chances of my resume being of same weightage as any native candidate (McDermott et al., 2012). A few job searching strategies that I will like to employ will include setting up a detailed and updated Linked in profiles to be able to attract the attention of the most of the reputed aged care and private care sectors. I would like to develop a resume with professional assistance to highlight my skills and key strengths to attract the most attention. As I would like to join a aged care sectors most preferably, I would like to enhance my qualifications and skills as well to have a competitive edge, hence I would join additional vocational aid trainings and aged care support workshops to gain experience and make professional connections along with finding sector specific recruiters. Conclusion: On a conclude note, it can be stated that the Australian labour market is enhancing and enriching very rapidly and there are a thousand different opportunities that are opening in different employment sectors in this nation. Among the different employment sectors, the health care industry can be considered a booming sector with a myriad of opportunities. This report provided a detailed analysis of the job market and employment trends of the health care industry along with the possible intercultural challenges that international students like me can face while establishing a career in the nation. However, with the recommendation strategies outlined the process can be easily simplified and best opportunities can be attained for a marvelous professional future in the land of new opportunitie References: Abdelkerim, A.A. and Grace, M., 2012. Challenges to employment in newly emerging African communities in Australia: A review of the literature.Australian Social Work,65(1), pp.104-119. Beer, A., Bentley, R., Baker, E., Mason, K., Mallett, S., Kavanagh, A. and LaMontagne, T., 2016. Neoliberalism, economic restructuring and policy change: Precarious housing and precarious employment in Australia.Urban studies,53(8), pp.1542-1558. Department of Jobs and Small Business. (2018).Analysis of trends in the Australian labour market. 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