Tuesday, December 24, 2019
The Obesity Epidemic Of Obesity - 929 Words
People make conscious decisions when they gorge their mouths with ninety-nine cent triple cheeseburgers that takes two minutes to make. Yeah America is great and all, but obesity is not. The McDonalds, Jack in the Box, Carl’s Jr, on every corner is driving America down a very unhealthy and scary road. As time goes on people find new ways to be lazy. There needs to be an epidemic for exercise, and healthiness. The normal body type should be fit and lean, not over weight and fat. There needs to be a scare across America where people are being too healthy, and too fit, not too large, and too unhealthy. Although the portion size of food, and quality of food is a part of the obesity problem, people need to exercise to end this epidemic of obesity. To keep a healthy body, people need to exercise. Exercising burns the calories, fats, and oils from unhealthy food necessary to keeping a healthy body weight. When I was a younger, around the age of eight, my friend had a personal trainer so we could make youth football weight regulations. I remember something very specific he said, â€Å"I can go eat ten pounds of ice cream, then as long as I worked hard enough to burn all of those calories I just ate I wont worry about gaining weight†(Johnson). I always think back to that quote when I go on a junk food eating spree. In addition, DeAngelis writes, â€Å"Among his simple suggestions is using a step counter to log an extra 2,000 steps a day the distance, roughly a mile that it takes to burnShow MoreRelatedObesity : The Obesity Epidemic1509 Words  | 7 PagesThe Obesity Epidemic What is obesity? According to the Health Reference Center Academic, â€Å"Obesity is a clinical condition characterized by an excess of body fat†. Obesity causes serious and life-threatening diseases. Obesity can be calculated using the BMI or Body mass index. The higher the BMI the more obese a person is considered. More than 1 third of the population in the US is obese. Medical costs for treating obesity were estimated at $147 billion in 2008. Non-Hispanic black and Mexican AmericanRead MoreThe Obesity Epidemic Of Obesity1133 Words  | 5 PagesObesity has always been a topic that many have had due to the increase attention it has received. Across America, there has been a lot of attention on the obesity epidemic. In America and the inner cities, more people are eating meals away from home in addition to consuming larger portions from fast food restaurants. At this rate, gaining weight is the likely outcome. High energy dense food has become convenient and affordable. Fas t food is almost everywhere in America and, contributes to the growingRead MoreThe Obesity Epidemic Of Obesity967 Words  | 4 Pagesthe issue. There has been substantial encouragement, which has pressured governments and politicians to implement restrictions on the publicising of unhealthy foods, particularly those targeting children. (Jolly, R. 2011) Researchers of the epidemic of obesity are inclined to emphasise environmental aspects, including the convenience of high-calorie appetising junk foods in conjunction with the influence of television programming, video games, computers and tablets that discourage exercise. TheoreticallyRead MoreObesity : The Obesity Epidemic Essay1321 Words  | 6 Pagesevidence that Americans are among the most overweight across the globe, this issue is constantly ignored. We hear about obesity being one of the most prevalent issues in America yet through the years this issue seems to worsen. Although Obesity may not be taken seriously by many, it is one of the leading health issues in America today. Many don’t understand the causes of this obesity epidemic, but being educated on this topic is the best way to prevent and control this issue. A recent study from the NationRead MoreObesity : The Obesity Epidemic2984 Words  | 12 PagesThe Obesity Epidemic What is obesity? A condition characterized by the excessive accumulation and storage of fat in the body; obesity is when someone is so overweight that it is a threat to their health (â€Å"What is Obesity?†). Obesity is an increasing global health problem. Corpulence is an important matter because of the astounding magnitudes that this disease has reached in the past 30 years (â€Å"Health and Aging†). Obesity is the reason for nearly 10 percent of the national medical budget, whichRead MoreThe Obesity Epidemic Of Obesity2517 Words  | 11 Pagesof obesity in children is on the rise in America. One in three children in America is obese (Kelly). Anyone can recognize there is a problem with the growing numbers of children overweight, however, no one has come up with a way to stop the obesity epidemic. This epidemic in children has been caused by numerous factors now numerous solutions can stop this if they are put in use. Children are weighing more than they ever have. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says, â€Å"Obesity hasRead MoreThe Epidemic Of Obesity And Obesity1319 Words  | 6 Pages There’s an appalling epidemic in today’s society sweeping across not only the United States, but all across the globe. This horrible epidemic isn’t the bird flu, or any type of sickness, rather obesity. Today, obesity rates are at an all time high in America. This disease, obesity, is being passed down the family both genetically, and by the terrible eating habits developing in the US. Kids growing up in this generation are facing frightening issues such as increased risk of heart disease, diabetesRead MoreThe Obesity Epidemic Of Obesity Essay1503 Words  | 7 PagesIntroduction Obesity is becoming an outrageous and alarming health issue in today’s society. Children are rapidly getting engulfed by this pandemic every day. According to the book Public Health 101: Health People-Healthy Populations, pandemic can be defined as, â€Å"An epidemic occurring worldwide, or over a very wide area, crossing international boundaries and affecting a large number of people†(Riegelman, Kirkwood, 2015). The World Health Organization estimates that 43 million children worldwideRead MoreObesity Epidemic : Obesity And Obesity1634 Words  | 7 Pagesfrom 7% in 1980 to nearly 18% in 2012†(cdc.gov). Subsequently, the obesity epidemic has continued to increase over the past few years in the United States. There are many different aspects that have contributed to the obesity epidemic. For example, many people today choose to be convenient instead of eating healthy, which results in the consummation of processed foods. Processed foods have a significant effe ct on the risk of obesity. With a current society always on the go, adults and children haveRead MoreThe Obesity Epidemic Of Obesity2053 Words  | 9 Pagesrise in obesity has reached global epidemic proportions (World Health Organisation (WHO), 2015). Obesity is defined as an â€Å"abnormal or excessive fat accumulation that may impair health.†Body Mass Index (BMI) is a common tool used to measure a person s weight in kilograms divided by their height in meters squared (kg/m2) (WHO, 2015). An individual with a BMI greater than or equal to 30 is considered clinically obese (WHO, 2015). However this may not be the most valid way of measuring obesity as it
Monday, December 16, 2019
Use of Games in Teaching Grammar Free Essays
Basically, female students are more polite and usually follow the teachers’ instruction. They prefer to listen and learn. While the male students tend to ignore and do what they want to do, actually it challenged the teachers’ patience. We will write a custom essay sample on Use of Games in Teaching Grammar or any similar topic only for you Order Now The male students tend to get bored easily, since learning English is more to theories learning. Moreover, a study has shown an important perspective under second language learning investigations; highlighting females to execute more interests, positive behaviors and performances, in comparison to the males (Keller, 1983; Awaken, 1999; DoormenShoaib, 2005). These re due to students’ unlike levels of motivation, attitudes and anxiety towards language learning, further Influenced by their learning characteristics and styles, lesson content and teaching strategies, social environment and supportive mechanisms, family Influences and peer pressures, cognation levels, and so forth (Williams, Burden , 2002). It is important to note that the challenges facing school systems confronted with the same challenges. Sadomasochistic are not simply an artifact of urban education; rather, they have a significant impact on how urban schools are structured. The concentration of poverty and racial isolation matters in that it is directly related to school processes that significantly influence student achievement trends (Reemerged, 2005). 3. Objective This study aims at identifying reasons why female students have higher interest towards learning the English language. The objectives are as follows: a. To analyses the problems faced by the male students who have lower interest in language learning. B. To find out the whether the teacher is being biased c. To identify the best strategies to attract male students attention in learning language. Problem statement Why do female students have higher interest in learning English language in urban school? This paper addresses the problem that female students have higher interest in learning English language in urban school. Girls were found to be more inclined to study foreign and second languages and outperform boys (Cumberland, 2000). Males are claimed to have a more negative view and a less a ptitude towards foreign language than females (Week, 2011). It shows that male students have lower interest and effort to learn English language. The main reason I want to conduct this research s because I am eager to know what makes this big gap in interest of learning English language between female and male students. Why female students interest is higher in learning English language. All these crucial points must be clarified. Only then, we can overcome this matter. Assumption -Male students have lower interest in learning English language. Research Question a. Is it because female students are not interested in practical learning? B. Are the teachers who teach English language come across being biased and not effective? C. What are the strategies can be used by the teachers to grab male students and other students’ attention? . Literature Review Several recent studies indicate that many young women around the world consider English to be intrinsically linked to feminism and are motivated to learn it as a language of empowerment. This trend is apparent in Japan, the FL context highlighted in this volume. At present many more young Japanese women than men appear to be interested in learning English, training for English language-related professions, and traveling to English-speaking countries (Sickbay’s, 2002). For these women, English offers an entry into the Job market as well as a possible way of liberating themselves from the confines of gender patriarchy. Therefore, we can say that women have awareness of how important English language is. They know their a) Lack of motivation. Moreover, gender has been an important perspective under second language learning investigations; highlighting females to execute more interests, positive behaviors and performances, in comparison to the males (Keller, 1983; Awaken, 1999; Doormen, 2005). Either because of their uninterested factors or because of feelings of hopelessness, students feared to lose face. Under such conditions, if the teacher were too strict and serious, they would lose their confidence, and not participate voluntarily. They do not have guard to talk in front of others. Some teachers tend to correct the students answers or words directly, it really denominated the students especially the boys. Teacher should be more gentle and smart in correcting the students so that they would not feel embarrass. Teachers’ Judgment and treatment of students has tremendous influence on their educational and emotional development, and also impacts how students are labeled, and thus able to access educational resources (Cochran-Smith, 1997; Sakes Lipton, 1999). Teacher’s words and actions influence students very much, because students see teachers as heir role model. B) Teachers are being Judgmental and biased. Social Justice educators, instead, recognize that society is inequitable. Hence, they expect students of color, along with those who are poor, disabled, female, or have limited English skills, to encounter racism, classicism, and other forms of discrimination as part of their efforts to become productive and prosperous citizens (Bartholomew, 1994; Deader, 1991; Sakes , 1999). Teachers’ perceptions of male- and (femaleness are crucial for their relations with pupils and can be an important factor in generating gender equity in schools. Gender stereotypes are also likely to be reinforced or weakened by text books and reading material provided in schools. When teachers become so Judgmental, it will affect his or her teaching and learning process and cause other problem, which can make some students feel left aside. Some teachers tend to focus more on female students because normally male students are playful and tend to make fun of the learning itself. However, there must be some male students who really want to learn the language seriously. A study published in the Journal of Human Resources, revealed that boys gained a grade onus on assessment scores when they behaved as well as girls. ) c) Participation in classroom lessons. Participation usually means students speaking in class which are answer and ask questions, make comments, and Join in discussions. Like those in Cortical and Jinn’s (1996) study, the students in the present study also worried about losing face in oral English language classrooms. Thus, they kept quiet and waited until they were required to speak English. As we can see a male student’s responses, â€Å"l am not so active because I don’t want to â€Å"lose face†when I make mistakes†(L’, male). â€Å"L have elf-respect and don’t want to lose face before others. Female students tend to be learning seriously. Most of the male students do not like to be control within any situation, they like to be free and do as they like. Even though, they Join the learning process, they will usually be Joking around rather than learning seriously. Teacher should come up with practical activities such as role play, debate, choir and others to attract student’s attention especially male students. This is because males tend to engage eagerly in practical learning style. D) Students different learning strategies Learning strategies are defined in general as behaviors that are intended to influence the individual processes information. Chamois (1987) regards learning strategies as techniques, approaches or deliberate actions that students take in order to facilitate the learning, and recall of both linguist ICC and content area information†(Chamois, 1987, p. 71). Similarly, according to Oxford (1990), language learning strategies are specific operations used by the learner at various levels to ease the acquisition, storage, retrieval and use of information. Individuals’ learning Tyler differ based on their high versus low academic achievement. Gifted and underachieving students have significantly different learning styles and do not perform well with the same methods. Conversely, gifted students in nine diverse cultures with talents in either athletics, art, dance, leadership, literature, languages, or music evidenced essentially similar learning style characteristics to other students with the same talent (Amalgam Price, 1993: 7) and much defiance, meanwhile, the girls produced big blocks of talk and were obedient, and there was much attentive listening and sympathizing. Females were more successful than males in eight countries among 9-year-olds. ((landfills differ by gender (Grebe, 1999; Pizza, 1990). Males and females learn differently from each other. Males tend to be more kinesthesia, tactual, and visual, and need more mobility in a more informal environment than females. Males also are more nonconforming and peer motivated than their female classmates. In group, males tend to learn less by listening. Females, more than males, tend to be auditory, authority-oriented, and better able to sit passively at conventional classroom desks and chairs than males. Females also tend o need significantly more quiet while learning (Pizza, 1990: 1 1); be more self- and adult -motivated, and conforming than males (Marcus, 1977: 9). ) Teaching strategies Cave (2001) suggested, studying such questions is important because if gender disparities are found, they may lead teachers and researchers to seek ways to minimize them, thus affording both genders maximum opportunities to achieve high levels of LA literacy. In terms of general language learning strategies, some studies show minimal differences between males and females (Smash, 2003; ShookSheore y, 2002) or even higher strategy use for males (Bally, 1996). Most current literature in this area, however, shows that females tend to be more active strategy users than their male counterparts (Oxford, 1993). Teacher should put herself into her students’ place, thinking about their difficulties in learning English. Teacher should to be more active, thoughtful, and humorous while giving a class, not stern like certain teacher’s role to change the student’s perspective of learning English language. Teacher must be creative and create fun learning. Sometimes students don’t like to read because they find it difficult. It is the teacher’s Job to find the ability level of each detent and gear lessons to meet their needs. Students will feel successful and connect to lessons when they are taught at their level. Those students who seem bored probably lack of the ability to keep up with other students in the regular classroom. Mix up the male students with female students whenever there is activity in classroom. Therefore, the boys would not left behind. We know the girls will do their tasks properly. Their cooperation in completing the task will produce fantastic outcomes. Female students will be more silent and generate ideas while the boys will help and boost up their plan. 6. Research Methodology I will be using quantitative method for my research later. I will prepare questionnaire. In which I will use liker scale in my questionnaire. This is because I think, this is easier for them to understand and easier for them to provide their feedback. 7. The expected Work Schedule/Timeline My research will be done during 14 weeks of practical at school. For the first 1 week, I will be observing the students attitudes and responses towards my teaching. The next three weeks, I will give them few activities, exercises and see the feedback. Based on the activities and exercises given, I will identify their strengths and nakedness. I will prepare the questionnaire based on that. How to cite Use of Games in Teaching Grammar, Papers
Sunday, December 8, 2019
Strategic Management A Case Study of Apple Inc.
Question: Describe the Case Study of Apple Inc. for Strategic Management . Answer: Introduction: The report is based on business strategy of Apple Inc. The aim of the report is to examine various aspects of business and the way an organization operates in the market. The company selected for the purpose is Apple Inc because it has a span of multiple business units and is one of the most successful companies worldwide. 1) Company Overview: Apple Inc incorporated in 1977 designs and manufactures mobiles, media services, personal computers and portable music players. Apple is the worlds largest information technology company in terms of revenue with total revenue of $233.715 (Apple.com, 2016). Apple deals with a variety of technological products, iPhone being the most successful product of the Company (Apple.com, 2016). As stated by Khan, Alam and Alam (2015), corporation is an organization that is engaged in mobilizing resources for productive purpose, to generate wealth and other benefits. It is intentionally aimed at not destroying wealth or increase risk and is done for its multiple users and stakeholders. Apple is a well established corporation in America, headquartered at California. It has 478 other Apple retail stores in 17 countries (Apple.com, 2016). Thompson et al. (2013) defined product folio as the distinction of different products that an organization has, based on its category, product line and finally its individuality. An organization has different sets of products but each product generates different productivity and thus, management of product portfolio is indeed important. Product portfolio of Apple includes iPhone, iPad, Mac, Apple TV and software application iOS and OS X operating system. The iPhone and iPad are the most successful products of the company and fetch 56% of the total revenue (Apple.com, 2016). On the other hand, Apple TV is not a successful product. In the viewpoint of Vereecke and Wetzels (2014), service portfolio is the core repository for all information in an organization for all services. Each service of the organization is listed with its current and previous status, and the service design package design is the best descriptor of service portfolio. Moreover, the product of Apple has seen great evolutions. Last year, Apple came up with iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 plus and would release iPhone 7 within a short time (Apple.com, 2016). The design of their products is exclusive and happened to be the reason for service portfolio. 2) Corporate Research Reading Mouritsen (2016), business unit has been defined as a logical element or a segment of an organization including accounting, production or marketing that represents a specific business function and a definite place on the organizational chart under the domain of a manager of the organization. Tim Cook is the recent CEO of the company. The Company is well structured in terms of managing the accounts and marketing. Headquartered at California, the company does Global business with its business unit spread all over the Globe. Separate business units of Apple includes, technical unit, marketing unit, account and finance, product design and the most important research and development unit. Product and service lines have been defined by Krush, Sohi and Saini (2015), as a group of related products that is sold by the same company under a single brand name. Different products as mentioned include the most popular and successful iPhones, Apple TV, iPad, Mac book and others. The products are sold under the same name, Apple Inc. worldwide. Apple has huge market in United States, United Kingdom, China, Japan, India, Australia and others. 3) Corporation Revenue centre The amount of money that a Company actually receives in a specific duration of time after deductions and discounts occurred due to returned merchandise is termed as revenue of a particular organization (Gaiardelli et al. 2014). If the products are differentiated in terms of BCG matrix, it can be said that iPhones serves as the most successful product and is regarded as the star of the company that generates the most amount of revenue to the company. The iPad and Mac act as cash crops and can be improved to generate more revenues. The software like iOS and OS X are the cow and Apple TV can be considered as the dog that does not generate much revenue to the company. 4) External environment analysis Operating environment denotes the places where the organization operates and does its business (Picard 2014). In the age of globalization, every multinational company operates globally. However, there are certain external factors that affect the business of a company. Such factors include political, economic, socio-cultural, technological, legal and environmental condition of the particular region. PESTLE analysis of Apple Inc. Political The political situation of a country that affects the business or industry of the particular organization is the political factor (Rao 2014). Apple is one of most successful companies in America but the raw materials of the company are supplied from China. Therefore, political factors of China affect the business of the company. Economic This factor determines the economic performance of a country that affects the business of a company. Economic factors like increased labor cost and a strong exchange rate for US dollars makes it expensive for the company to sell product in international market. Socio-cultural Factors like cultural trends, demography and population analytics that affect the business of a company are the socio-cultural factors. Apples target consumers are the younger people (Selnes 2013). Todays consumers have a backlash towards stylish and expensive products. These factors increase the demand of innovative and exclusive products delivered by Apple. Technological The factors that pertain to innovation in technology and affect the operation of the industry are the technological factors. IOS is the operating system that happens to be the most superior form of operating system. Competitors like Google and Samsung shows the potential to compete with the technology of Apple. Legal The internal and external laws that affect the business environment of a country are the legal factors (Visnjic, Wiengarten and Neely 2016). Apple has recently entered a highly regulated sector, Apple Pay that has increased the legal regulation of the company. Environmental Factors like tourism, agriculture, climate and geographical location that affects the business of the organization falls under the environmental condition. Apple has been facing environmental issues regarding disposal of its lithium battery (Pivrinne and Lindahl 2016). 5) Source of sustainable competitive advantage Every company comes up with certain sustainable competitive strategies that help it to survive in the competitive globalized market. If the case of Apple Inc has to be analyzed, it can be said that its product differentiation and technological advancement has made its product sustainable in the competitive market. Although Apple products are very expensive, its premium pricing strategy happens to be one of the reasons of it being the number one company in mobile market. Four factors of sustainable competitive advantage that Apple has are: Effective supply chain management: As pointed out by Rao (2014), it is important to keep an effective supply chain for every organization for supply of raw materials and transportation of final goods to the expected buyers. Apple has its business spread all over the world. The Company has effectively managed its supply chain process. Online selling of products has been the most effective way of supply chain. Organizational responsiveness: It is very important to keep pace with the changing nature of the competitive environment. If technological factors are undertaken, it can be said that consumers look for innovative and advanced technological products in the market (Priyanka and Srinivasan 2015). With the changes in demand and increased technological advancement, Apple has been successful in meeting all the challenges and come up with latest and best product. Product differentiation and innovation: Making the product different from the existing products with innovative approach is one of the tools to increase sale of the product. Innovative techniques like iTune, live camera, Siri and many other concepts have made the product different and innovative from other smart phones (Pivrinne and Lindahl 2016). Cost leadership: Price of a product has always been an important factor to consider for a buyer. Therefore, keeping a check on the pricing strategy is equally important. Apple believes in premium pricing (Gaiardelli et al. 2014). This pricing technique has leaded the Company to achieve its business strategies. 6) Business level strategy Business strategies are the plans that an organization makes for its business. Apple believes in two main strategies, product innovation and premium pricing. All types of products that the company deals with are released into the market that supports the most advanced technology and have exclusive features that can compete with any other products available in the market (Mouritsen 2016). Recommendations for future strategic direction Pricing strategy: Price of the products of Apple is very high. It is recommended to reduce the price and frame a competitive pricing strategy. Software collaboration: Apples product does not support certain applications that are supported in android and windows phones. It is therefore, recommended to open up its patent to other smart phones. Conclusion The report has analyzed the various terms related to business strategy. Using Apple as the case study helped to gain better knowledge and understanding about the operation of an organization. Apple has been successful as a company due to its effective business strategies and product innovative technique. This report has also suggested certain recommendations for better marketing strategies. References Apple.com, 2016, Apple info, Available at: https://www.apple.com/about/ [Accessed on 21-08-2016] Gaiardelli, P., Pezzotta, G., Resta, B. and Songini, L., 2014. ProductService Portfolio Configuration vs. Economic and Financial Results: An Empirical Analysis in the Italian Truck Industry. InServiceology for Services(pp. 125-132). Springer Japan. Khan, U.A., Alam, M.N. and Alam, S., 2015. A Critical Analysis of Internal and External Environment of Apple Inc.International Journal of Economics, Commerce and Management,3(6), pp.955-961. Krush, M.T., Sohi, R.S. and Saini, A., 2015. Dispersion of marketing capabilities: impact on marketings influence and business unit outcomes.Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science,43(1), pp.32-51. Mouritsen, J., 2016. 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